Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I came, I saw, I shopped:

I've been in Leuven for 4 days now, but have just managed to get internet at my apartment (pictured above) today.  I got to explore the entire town on foot looking for a power adapter for my laptop, which was frustrating at times, but now I know where Diestsestraat is, and what they sell at fnac, and I have a store credit at AS Adventure (I bought a bells-and-whistles power adapter from them for 27 euro! And it didn't even work with my laptop.  I was getting desperate).

Luckily I got in on a Saturday, which is when the market is set up in the center of Leuven - unfortunately though, I didn't take any pictures. I did get some nice fresh bread and cheese, and a sausage and some olives, and I've been snacking on those all week.  A pushy French vendor convinced me to buy 3 heads of french garlic, and now I have no idea what to do with them.  I've been a little bit bored living here by myself so for some entertainment I've been cooking and will post some recipes soon.  I've been doing a lot of reading too, but now that I have the computer I'll probably just goof off on the internet most of the time, as is my wont.

Today I found a french press and a nice coffee mug at my new favorite store, Hema (I'm well on my way to outfitting my entire apartment in gear from Hema). And I got some coffee at Koffie Onan, so I am currently enjoying a nice cup of coffee.

Translation update: "onan" is apparently the dutch word for "unacceptable" 

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